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Boost pH+ High Range pH Increaser, raises pH only without increasing alkalinity or calcium (in tanks already having a proper dKH). Allows maintaining a pH of 8.3, 8.4 or 8.5 in difficult tanks without raising alkalinity (when used as directed).
Technical Overview
FIRST, please read this entire page! Boost pH is designed to be used as needed. Although it can be dosed, there can be difficulties with dosing, if you don't understand the pitfalls (see Pitfalls section below). pH is a measurement of the acidity of a solution, such as aquarium water. The pH of natural seawater ranges from approximately 8.2 - 8.4, however maintaining pH in the range of 8.4 - 8.5 on a daily basis is thought to have a positive effect on captive marine organism growth rate, primarily in stony corals. Also may help prevent bleaching, boost immune response and assist in coloration. To maintain a stable pH within the desired range, the alkalinity must first be maintained within a range of 7.5 - 10.0 dKH (2.7 - 3.6 meq/L). Aquaria with low circulation at the water’s surface, or in which a CO2-injected calcium reactor is being employed, or which are placed in an enclosed room with human and animal inhabitants (giving off CO2 into the air), often have a depressed pH due to carbon dioxide build up. In an aquarium which has a proper alkalinity as stated above, Boost pH+, along with other measures, such as providing outside air to the skimmer intake and other CO2 control methods, can help to bring pH in the aquarium back into a higher desired range without raising alkalinity to an unacceptable level. Use as directed and do not exceed a pH value of 8.5, because pH at 8.6 or higher may be stressful and/or damaging to sensitive aquarium inhabitants. Additionally, changes to pH should be made very gradually, again to avoid stressing aquarium inhabitants. See suggestions for adjusting alkalinity below. It is not unusual for pH to fluctuate throughout the course of 24-hours between seemingly wide-ranging values (i.e. lower at night higher during the middle of the day); this is a natural occurrence that is caused by changes in the rates of photosynthesis between dark and light periods. If pH levels are seen to be constantly below the desired level and alkalinity is within the proper range, then the addition of Boost pH+, this product, may be very helpful if the hobbyist has already properly adjusted the alkalinity and it is within recommended ranges. If comparing pH to determine how Boost pH+ is working, measure at the same time every day.
Instructions & Guidelines
Can cause burns, First read warning and follow safety recommendations while using or storing this product! Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection during use. When used as directed, this product safely raises pH only and does not increase alkalinity or calcium level. You must use other products for those functions and those functions are absolutely required in every marine aquarium. Do not attempt to use Boost pH+ on systems with low alkalinity or to use it to raise alkalinity. It is not designed for that. First, determine the alkalinity in the aquarium using an accurate test kit (recommended) or recently-calibrated meter before using this product (see section below on pitfalls prior to use). If the alkalinity is below 7.6 dKH or 2.7 meq/L , adjust it first using Brightwell Aquatics’ pH+ or Alkalin8.3 or Alkalin8.3-P (powder) (all three of these products raise both the alkalinity and pH, unlike Boost pH+ which only raises the pH and not the alkalinity) and then ideally allow 24-hours to elapse before re-testing alkalinity and pH, then adjust pH upward, if needed, by adding Boost pH+ as directed below. The dosage required will vary significantly based on a number of factors, but as a general estimate, 2.0 ml of Boost pH+ will raise the pH of 10 US gallons by about .1 to .3 pH, depending on the amount of CO2 in the system and the alkalinity.
First adjust the alkalinity to a range of 7.5 - 10.0. dKH (2.7 - 3.6 meq/L) as described above using Brightwell Aquatics’ pH+ or Alkalin8.3 or Alkalin8.3-P (powder) as directed on their bottles. To raise pH further without increasing alkalinity, add 2.0 ml of Boost pH+ (this product) per 10 US gallons in a high flow area such as a pump intake or a power head exhaust. pH will generally stabilize within 10 minutes following product use, Re-measure pH and dose again, if necessary. Do not add more than 10 ml per 10 gallons per day! Livestock should not be subjected to a change in pH of more than 0.2 per 24-hour period, so do not overdose Boost pH+. Repeat as needed to attain desired pH value. It is recommended that pH be maintained within a range of +/-0.2 at all times.
Boost pH+ is an excellent but somewhat unusual product, in that it is designed to adjust only the high end of your normal buffering system, not do the entire work of a complete buffer. It has to be designed this way because a regular buffer cannot readily be adjusted to go higher than about 8.3 pH. A product like Brightwell Aquatics’ pH+ or Alkalin8.3 or Alkalin8.3-P (powder) must first be used or the marine salt you are using must be properly buffered so that the alkalinity is in normal seawater ranges. If the alkalinity is too low, Boost pH+ cannot work properly, and you will be disappointed. Of course, it is dangerous to operate a marine system below 7.5 dKH and most hobbyists understand this. Systems with low alkalinity are subject to catastrophically rapid drops in pH, in much the same way that bank accounts that have low balances are subject to sudden overdrafts. In this age of the internet where seemingly everyone with a computer is an expert, there are voices that say that you can operate your tank at 7.0 or even lower (these are individuals that likely like to "roll the dice" at a casino too). Of course a marine aquarium will operate just fine at the low dKH until there is an upset and then everything dies. The moral of this story is pay attention to alkalinity and keep it above 7.5 dKH.
Perhaps the worst mistake you can make would be to hook up a large bottle of Boost pH+ to a doser on the first day you use it - without understanding how it works or the effect it will have on your system. And yes, we have had customers who did this, believe it or not. This is particularly true if the system has low or borderline low alkalinity. In that case the pH electrode would call for large amounts of Boost pH+ and the result would be an overdose of the system. pH probes can be notoriously inaccurate when they are not maintained properly nor calibrated properly. This exacerbates the problem. We suggest that you use a regular test kit and manually dose until you see how the product effects your system.
The following is a list of mistakes that could cause Boost pH+ not to give you the performance you desire:
Warning: Contains caustic sodium and potassium hydroxides in a proprietary base; Causes burns. Keep out of reach of children. Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection during use. Harmful if swallowed. If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. First rinse mouth thoroughly, then give water, call a poison control center and get medical attention. May cause eye or skin irritation. If in eyes, remove any contact lenses, flush with water for 15 minutes IMMEDIATELY, if irritation persists, get medical attention. If on skin, remove contaminated clothes, wash skin thoroughly with soap and water for 5 to 10 minutes. Wash clothes. Not for human consumption.