Plastic ratchet hose clamps are perfect for securing vinyl tubing to barbed fittings with no worries of rusting away in your aquarium. Sizes Available: 1/2" - Clamps down to 0.72"...
The stem side slides into standard push connect fittings and the barb side is designed for flexible tubing like nylon, vinyl or clear pvc. These are great for connecting airline...
Using ozone safe materials is absolutely critical when working with ozone. Materials like nylon will melt in a matter of days when it comes in contact with high concentrations of...
Ozone Resistant Kynar Reducing Barb Union used to connect different sized tubing. Using ozone resistant materials is absolutely critical when working with ozone. Materials like nylon will melt in a...
Vectra L2 Barb & Screen Kit The screen included in this kit will prevent livestock and objects from entering the intake of your pump which can cause blockage or failure....
Vectra M2 Barb & Screen Kit The screen included in this kit will prevent livestock and objects from entering the intake of your pump which can cause blockage or failure....
Vectra S2 Barb & Screen Kit The screen included in this kit will prevent livestock and objects from entering the intake of your pump which can cause blockage or failure....